Study techniques
Learning techniques can help to store knowledge in a sustainable way. Those who only study shortly before exams can temporarily recall the material, but in the long run they forget everything again. Learning is a complex process that can be supported by techniques.
It is highly complex and very fascinating how we humans learn. We can build up implicit and explicit knowledge by acquiring, processing and storing information and we are able to retrieve this knowledge very quickly when needed. That we can learn and even think beyond that is a miracle of nature.
Our abilities to learn and think go so far that we are even able to learn our own learning. Through the learning techniques we have the possibility to control our own learning.
»Shouldn't learning strategies be taught at school?« - this is a question we are asked very often by our clients. Our answer to this question is: »That should be the case and is done at many schools.« Unfortunately, children and young people are often not particularly interested in this. Some teachers are disillusioned after the first attempts to teach their class learning techniques. Years of training with their own system have been well practised and have led to the fact that we are no longer prepared to give up our unfavourable learning strategies, even if this would be better. It is therefore important that we provide children with helpful learning techniques as early as possible. Learners need a lot of support and motivation to do this and the prospect of success and worthwhile retention.
Each learner has his or her own individual learning technique which can be woven into a unique personal network. Through our targeted individual tutoring at the learner's home, it is possible to develop, promote and optimise the learning techniques individually, because if you have the right learning strategies and network them sensibly, you will learn more successfully and at the same time build up more knowledge and this knowledge can in turn be used successfully.