Our private tutors
Expert knowledge
ABACUS-teachers possess the expert knowledge which is required to help students to reach their personal aims. Besides an academic formation, practical experience (e.g. as a teacher) influence our teacher’s expertise.
ABACUS-tutors carry a lot of patience. If the student does not understand the explanation entirely, our tutors convey the message in another way. ABACUS-tutors don’t have any time pressure in the form of getting on with topics of a school class that have to be finished by the end of the term. Due to these circumstances, an occurring problem can be treated with patience and diligence.
ABACUS-teachers possess experience in teaching. Therefore, the student’s results can be classified professionally, and the tuition can be arranged due to these results. Learning techniques and methods will be taught wherever necessary.
ABACUS-tutors have the advantage to arrange the private lessons according to the favoured days of the individual student. Before an important exam, private lessons can take place earlier and more frequently to improve the final learning process.