Primary education
Grund- und Basisstufe (two variants of the first learning cycle)
The forms of organization and learning in primary school are constantly changing. Does your pre-school experience make it difficult for you to understand these changes? Does the need for support go beyond your possibilities to help your child?
As we are up-to-date with the latest school developments, we can assure you and your child of our competent support.
The first learning cycle called Grundstufe or Basisstufe combines kindergarten and the first years of primary school. Transition within these stages is flexible, depending on the child’s cognitive development and emotional maturity. There is no longer a cut between kindergarten and primary school, the children are led step by step to learning and the basics of social competence. Teaching is predominantly organized and designed on an interdisciplinary basis. Play takes on an important role. The transition from playful to systematic learning is smooth.
Mittelstufe (grades 4 to 6)
As a family, you have already developed an idea of which level of lower secondary education (“Oberstufe”) your child should achieve? The responsible class teacher (still) sees it differently?
With our many years of experience, we can help you achieve the target you are aiming for. A sufficiently long period of preparation is of central importance though.
The class teacher will provide a recommendation for each student’s further education. This recommendation is used as a basis for promotion to the next level from primary school to secondary school. The assessment report takes account of the personal development of the child (performance assessments/examinations of all subjects and of all school years). It also serves as a basis for the teacher’s recommendation or decision on the transition to the next level.